What causes dizziness when lying down, can be a number of factors. Potential causes can be a fluctuation in your blood pressure when you are on your back, a condition know as benign paroxysmal position vertigo or an infection of your inner ear.
Blood pressure and dizziness
When you are lying down your blood pressure drops slightly as the need to fight the effects of gravity reduces. However, too much of a drop in the blood pressure with lying down, could make you feel dizzy. If you are taking blood pressure medication, it might that your medication is too strong and dropping your blood pressure too much. If you are feeling dizzy or really lightheaded, it might be worth it to visit the GP to have you blood pressure checked. Be sure to check with your doctor before changing your medication.
Benign paroxysmal position vertigo
Benign paroxysmal position vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo people experience. In BPPV, loose crystals in the inner ear move about causing you to feel dizzy, because it disrupts balance. Although BPPV may only cause temporary symptoms, feelings of dizziness can persist.
People commonly feel the vertigo with BPPV when they roll over in bed, especially first thing in the morning. Thankfully BPPV can generally be easily and effectively treated with a treatment know as the Epley manoeuvre. We can apply the Epley manoeuvre for you.
Labyrinthitis or Vestibular Neuritis
Labyrinthitis, or vestibular neuritis, is inflammation of the part of the inner ear that senses movement. With labyrinthitis the sensations of spinning and dizziness are caused by an infection (generally by a virus) of the labyrinth or vestibular nerve. Acute labyrinthitis occurs suddenly and lasts for a few weeks, it can resolve on its own, but may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation therapy. Often the first symptoms you will feel will be vertigo and dizziness when lying down.
Getting help
So it’s important to exclude medical causes of dizziness when lying down, such as blood pressure issues. Be sure to contact your doctor for advice on that front. Two common ear related causes that prompt people to ask “What causes dizziness when lying down?” include benign paroxysmal position vertigo or an infection of your inner ear. Thankfully treatment is available to help with both of these. Give us a call now on 03 9034 7735 to see how we can help you, or click to book an appointment online.
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